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Can't Decide?


Picture this: You're standing in the lobby of a world-class holistic healing centre that offers every conceivable alternative medical approach. As you scan the directory of practitioners listed on the wall, you're confused. Which one do you choose? Your friend Susan recommends the therapy that helped her.

Picture this: You're standing in the lobby of a world-class holistic healing centre that offers every conceivable alternative medical approach. As you scan the directory of practitioners listed on the wall, you're confused. Which one do you choose?

Your friend Susan recommends the therapy that helped her. But Aunt Marion got relief from something completely different. How do you know where to start? Wouldn't it be great if they were all part of a coherent system and you only had to go to one practitioner who would treat you? And if necessary, the practitioner would direct you to others within this system for more specialized help?

That system for alternative medicine does exist. It was created over 200 years ago by a German medical genius, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann. Although known mostly for homeopathy, Hahnemann also developed a system of medicine grounded in natural law that tells us which approach to use and when. He called this system Heilk? ("heil" meaning remedial, "k?" meaning art), the scientific art of making people whole.

At the heart of Hahnemann's system are critical distinctions between disease and imbalance, curing and healing, and between the laws of similars and opposites.

Most alternative healing methods deal with imbalances and restoring patients to balance. If you lack vitamin C, you need vitamin C. If you lack exercise, you need exercise. Opposite measures to achieve balance deal with the sustaining side of our life force, what Hippocrates called our "inner healer."

More Than Balance

Balance, though, is not enough to overcome disease. No amount of exercise, eating well, or vitamins will remove disease. Only the similar but stronger medicinal disease (the homeopathic remedy) will do this according to nature's law, called the law of similars.

But there are two aspects to our life force one is our sustentive side, which sustains us. This can be helped with balancing, such as good nutrition, hydration, exercise lifestyle choices. It will never cure disease, though it can balance imbalances.

The other aspect is the generative side. Disease is engendered the same way as a pregnancy, and no amount of good food or exercise will remove the impregnation of disease on the life force. Only a similar disease in a higher energetic form can defeat that disease.

If exercise, organic food, and a decent lifestyle could cure disease, people such as Linda McCartney (Paul's wife, who died from cancer) and Jim Fixx (the running guru, dead of a myocardial infarction) would be alive today. But they worked only on their sustentive sides, only with balance, not on their generative side and never with the elimination of their diseases.

One Size Does Not Fit All

Heilk?lers faced with a patient complaining of arthritic pain will ask many questions, from lifestyle details to allopathic interventions to physical, mental, and emotional shocks and traumas. In one case, the cause of the condition might be improper hydration; in another, severe emotional stress; and in yet another case, it could be medication. Or perhaps it's caused by inherited predisposition.

No two cases of arthritic pain are treated the same. The principles and laws in Heilk? are applied to each individual case with its unique circumstances, and treatment planned accordingly, performed either by the Heilk?ler or a more specialized practitioner.

Every wonderful treatment in the natural health field can now take its true and rightful place in a comprehensive and scientific system of medicine. Even some aspects of the conventional system have their place in Heilk?, particularly in the case of certain emergencies.

Imagine an orchestra tuning up. While each instrument sounds fine individually, the total effect is dissonant because there is no order, no conductor. Then imagine the conductor arrives and takes up the baton. The effect is magical! Heilk? is not another therapy or treatment, but is the conductor facilitating the harmonious and effective expression of each unique instrument, each healing therapy, but in its rightful place and as part of the whole.

To find a doctor of medical Heilk?, go to or call 1-800-579-HEAL (4325).



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