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Cancer is Not Defective Genes!


According to mainstream medicine, defective genes sending the wrong signals cause production of too many growth hormone receptors in the cell walls and cause about 35 per cent of breast cancers.

According to mainstream medicine, defective genes sending the wrong signals cause production of too many growth hormone receptors in the cell walls and cause about 35 per cent of breast cancers. Women with a family history of cancer who think they have defective genes are having their healthy breasts removed to prevent cancer. Others live in great fear of the disease. They have been deceived.

"Defective" genes have nothing to do with the rapid growth of breast or any cancer. In breast cancer, "bad" genes are described by disrupted growth factor functions, yet no research has identifed the source of the dysfunction. The normal way to designate genes is by chromosome "number" and "arm": so-called "defective" breast cancer genes do not have these proper designations and are just theoretical. They have never been located and identified according to the combination of genetic bases and amino acid fault. Nor have any other "cancer genes."

Even though the genetic defect is unknown, the drug Herceptin is given in weekly doses to slow breast cancer growth by blocking the growth factor receptors. The drug is not a cure but a means to prevent growth. It is also costly and not without side-effects.

The excess growth receptor theory is false because it fails to explain the fermentative metabolism of cancer cells. The use of growth hormone supplements harvested from bacteria shows that all cells develop more growth hormone receptors in response to an increase in growth hormone supplement in the blood. The growth hormone, on its own, does not cause cancer because rapid growth can be perfectly normal.

For example, normal growth and maturation of breast tissue occur in stages. A natural increase in growth hormone receptors allows breasts to develop rapidly in young women as they mature. Rapid growth does not cause cancer. It's only when the cells become infected and trapped in rapid growth with the repair-of-injury process that tumours develop.

Fungal Enzymes: Fermentative Metabolism

If cells are producing more hormone receptors in the cell wall, they are responding to an increase in growth hormone in the lymphatic fluids surrounding the cells. If cells in a tumour multiply out of control and differentiate into a more primitive life form, such as fungi, a primitive life form must be the source of the growth factor because the growth factor is produced within the tumour.

The cause of cancer is not the growth hormone receptors but the fungal source that takes over cell function and direction of growth. As they multiply, fermentative fungi enzymes overpower human enzymes with metabolic byproducts, choking off the oxidative processes of normal cells. All observations about cancer can be thus explained.

The defective gene theory of cancer deceives the public and raises huge amounts of money for wasted research.

Research Needs to Refocus

As long as cancer researchers focus on genetic theories, scientists will never find the cause of cancer. Donating to such a faulty premise only prolongs misinformation. That's why billions of dollars invested in cancer research has not found the cause or a cure!

Prevent and cure breast cancer with the same method as any other cancer:

  • Eliminate parasites and the fungal growth hormone essential for rapid growth.
  • Grow healthy cells that knit to heal injuries and shut down the repair-of- injury process.
  • Avoid breaking the outer membrane of a breast lump or other benign growth (mammography).
  • Maintain a healthy immune system to resist infection and inflammation.


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