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Canadian Seniors Undernourished


Canadian Seniors Undernourished

Statistics Canada recently reported that a third of Canadians aged 65 or older are at risk of being undernourished.

Statistics Canada recently reported that a third of Canadians aged 65 or older are at risk of being undernourished. The consequences of this can be severe, including frailty, falls, and hospitalization.

It can be difficult for seniors to eat proper meals, for several reasons. They may:

  • have difficulty chewing or swallowing
  • not be able to access the grocery store or cook as easily
  • struggle to afford nutritious food
  • have a diminished appetite

Skipping meals can also lead to undernourishment, as well as depression and loneliness. Women are more likely to be at nutritional risk than men, at 38 percent versus 29 percent, respectively.

Another factor noted by the report is living alone and cooking for one. When seniors lived in a family of two, they were more likely to cook for the other person, whereas living on their own can mean skipping meals. In contrast, regular social activities, including attending religious services, reduced the risk of undernourishment.

Learn more

  • Our article “Suppers for Savvy Seniors” includes quick recipes perfect for one to two people, using easy-to-prepare ingredients.
  • Learn about the importance of staying social as we age, in our recent article “Social Ties”.
  • Old is a state of mind! Learn why in our article, “8 Myths of Aging”.


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