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Blow-Off Dandruff Flakes


Dandruff is a common condition characterized by an overly dry scalp, with itchy white flakes that may be waxy or greasy. If it's a serious case, there may be evidence of inflammation along the hairline or around the eyebrows. Possible reasons for dandruff include poor circulation and the overuse of products that dry the scalp..

Dandruff is a common condition characterized by an overly dry scalp, with itchy white flakes that may be waxy or greasy. If it's a serious case, there may be evidence of inflammation along the hairline or around the eyebrows. Possible reasons for dandruff include poor circulation and the overuse of products that dry the scalp. The most common cause is the irregular production of an oily substance, called sebum, by the scalp's sebaceous glands. More rarely, dandruff is a sign of an infection by the microscopic fungus Pityrosporum. To get rid of dandruff and promote scalp health, try these simple anti-dandruff treatments.

Stimulating shampoo: Steep two cups (500 ml) of boiling water with two tablespoons (30 ml) each of dried sage, thyme and rosemary (all of which have antimicrobial properties) until room temperature. Strain. Combine one-quarter cup (60 ml) of the herbal tea with one-quarter cup (60 ml) of a mild, natural baby shampoo, which is gentle on the scalp. Add 15 drops of eucalyptus and 15 drops of lavender essential oils. Shake well before use.

Herbal rinse: Combine one-half cup (125 ml) of apple cider vinegar with the remaining tea and add 15 to 20 drops each of eucalyptus and lavender. Mix well. After shampooing and rinsing your hair, gently massage one-quarter cup (60 ml) of the rinse into your scalp. Leave on a few minutes before rinsing. Condition as normal.

Nighttime treatment: Every night, rub your scalp with about one tablespoon (15 ml) of the following mixture: one-half cup (125 ml) distilled witch hazel and 15 to 20 drops each of eucalyptus, lavender and rosemary. Repeat until the condition clears up.

It's also important to nourish the scalp from the inside. The body may be lacking in the essential fatty acids found in nuts, flax seed and evening primrose oil. To counteract an inefficient carbohydrate or fatty-acid metabolism, which can cause dandruff, eat plenty of vitamin B-rich foods, such as eggs and cabbage. Sprinkle nutritional yeast flakes or fresh wheat germ, both excellent sources of B vitamins, onto your breakfast cereals and salads.



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