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Big, Fat Beautiful Hair


Big, Fat Beautiful Hair

Strong, healthy hair and smooth, glowing skin requires a daily intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs). These natural oils help build a soft flexible cell wall, resulting in smoother hair and skin. Our bodies crave fat because cells use these good fats to regenerate and build new tissue.

Big, Fat Beautiful Hair

There’s a multibillion-dollar industry out there catering to women–the hair and skin care mega-complex of facial cremes and hair revitalizers, shine restorers, and strengtheners. This financially lucrative business thrives partly because so many of us have a deficiency of essential fatty acids in our daily diet.

Strong, healthy hair and smooth, glowing skin requires a daily intake of essential fatty acids (EFAs). These natural oils help build a soft flexible cell wall, resulting in smoother hair and skin. Our bodies crave fat because cells use these good fats to regenerate and build new tissue.

I recommend some essential fats right at the beginning of the day to ease cravings for other fats and to give your lovely body what it needs. I prefer plant-based, organic sources of EFAs for environmental and health reasons. These include ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil, hemp nut seeds and hempseed oil, fresh walnuts, and green leafy vegetables and beans.

Start your day by adding one to two tablespoons (15 to 30 mL) of ground flax, walnuts, or flaxseed oil to your cereal or smoothie. Fats have a satiating effect, and consuming breakfast results in fewer calories consumed over the rest of the day. A 1999 French study found that those participants eating a 400- to 600-calorie hearty breakfast consumed less fat during the day, had lowered blood cholesterol levels, and a higher intake of essential minerals and vitamins.

Getting in the habit of daily good fats will provide healthy skin and hair and can boost immunity, lower blood pressure, and reduce blood clot risk. Essential fatty acids offer a simple solution for natural beauty and for a healthier savings account because you won’t need all those expensive hair products.

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