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Be Cautious of "Cruelty-Free


These days, it's common to see the words "cruelty-free" or "not tested on animals" on the labels of cosmetics and beauty products

These days, it's common to see the words "cruelty-free" or "not tested on animals" on the labels of cosmetics and beauty products. However, aAccording to the FDA, however, the use of these words is are completely subjective and their use is unrestricted. The FDA Web site states "Some companies may apply such claims solely to their finished cosmetic products," states the FDA Web site. "However, these companies may rely on raw material suppliers or contract laboratories to perform any animal testing necessary to substantiate product or ingredient safety." The cosmetic cosmetic-labelling section of the Canadian Food and Drugs Act contains no reference to the terms "cruelty-free" or "animal testing," so it's safe to assume that those claims are not regulated in Canada either. The best bet for ensuring your beauty products are not tested on animals is to buy organic products from your health foodhealth food store., or bBetter yet, make them yourself using raw material ingredients that you select yourself.



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