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Avian Flu


Homeopathic doctors are joining forces in an effort to prepare for a predicted avian influenza epidemic. In November 2005 homeopaths from over 25 countries gathered in Paris for the first World Medical Conference on Homeopathy and Avian Influenza.

Avian Flu

Homeopathic doctors are joining forces in an effort to prepare for a predicted avian influenza epidemic. In November 2005 homeopaths from over 25 countries gathered in Paris for the first World Medical Conference on Homeopathy and Avian Influenza.

They considered the following questions:

  • In the event of an avian flu epidemic what can homeopathy do?

What is the role of homeopathy in prevention and treatment of avian flu?

As reported in Homeopathy Today (, the conference provided an open forum for the sharing of ideas. In the end, delegates reached several conclusions about the role of homeopathy in the event of an avian flu pandemic:

Homeopaths would have an important role in treating the avian flu, especially during the initial six- to nine- month period it would take for a conventional vaccine to be developed.

Randomized control animal studies of homeopathic treatment would be a useful way to study the effectiveness of a nosode (homeopathic remedy) or a genus epidemicus (defined by Dr. Till Taylor at as "an individually selected remedy" for a particular disease outbreak).

Creation of a central avian flu website will enable homeopathic practitioners to track and circulate information as developments arise.

In addition to these conclusions, a scientific committee was formed and given funds to conduct studies into homeopathic approaches to the avian flu.

National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) Flu Tracker

Recognizing that information is power, the NCH launched its Flu Tracker website ( in 2003. Established before the proposed avian flu site, Flu Tracker aims to collect ongoing information about all flu outbreaks as well as the remedies that are effective in treating them. Homeopathic doctors are asked to post information about the symptoms they are treating and which remedies have been successful.

We will keep you posted on any further developments on avian flu, as well as measures being taken by the homeopathic community to deal with it.



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Rebecca HeatonRebecca Heaton