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Attract a Positive State of Mind


Attract a Positive State of Mind

What did you say to yourself the last time you looked in the mirror? Did you think about how wonderful you are and how good you look? Or did you say and think something negative? What you say to yourself can have as much impact on your health as careful eating and proper exercise.

What did you say to yourself the last time you looked in the mirror? Did you think about how wonderful you are and how good you look? Or did you say and think something negative? What you say to yourself can have as much impact on your health as careful eating and proper exercise.

Using a simple process called the law of attraction, you can easily improve your self-talk and boost your energy level. Similar to goal setting, the law of attraction helps you put thoughts into action to find the good things in life.

An Age-Old Idea

The roots of the law of attraction are ancient and can be traced through various belief systems in most cultures. For example, according to the Asian practice of feng shui, developed from the oldest of the Chinese classic texts, the I Ching (Book of Changes), we attract abundance into our lives by placing objects in certain areas of our living space or work area.

In the Christian faith, “we reap what we sow” (Galations 6:7-9) and “if we seek, we will find” (Matthew 7:7-12 and Luke 11:5-8).

The premise of the law of attraction has remained the same throughout the ages: you attract what you put out.

Ideas Into Action

The art of using the law of attraction is to write “intentions,” positive statements about the ways in which you want to move forward. Here are some intentions that work for me and could work for you, too:

  • Every time you say or do something negative, you must also say or do something positive. This will help to create balance and raise the positive energy in your life.
  • Write down your goals for health and emotional well-being. For example, you might write a statement of your intentions that says something like: “I am in the process of maintaining a healthy lifestyle: I eat healthy food and exercise properly; I think highly of myself; I am beautiful, friendly, happy, and so on.” Be sure to list every goal you want to achieve in detail. Use positive language and keep everything in the present tense, as if you’ve already achieved the goal.
  • Meditate often. Quiet contemplation not only lowers your blood pressure and relieves stress, but it will also help you manifest your goals as you visualize yourself having achieved success as part of your meditation session.

Changing negative thoughts to positive ones can play a big part in beginning to create your future. If you incorporate the law of attraction into your life on a daily basis, you will be surprised at how easily health, love, and happiness enter your life.

What is the Law of Attraction?

The law of attraction theory is based on the principle that everything in the universe is made of energy. Various kinds of energy vibrate at different frequencies. When we vibrate at the same frequency as the thing that we desire, we attract it to us.



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