



Cardiovascular disease still kills more people than all other diseases combined. The odds of getting a heart attack or stroke are about the same now as they were 30 years ago. Decades of low cholesterol and low fat diets, bypass surgery and angioplasty have done nothing to reduce the number of times this deadly epidemic strikes.

Cardiovascular disease still kills more people than all other diseases combined. The odds of getting a heart attack or stroke are about the same now as they were 30 years ago. Decades of low cholesterol and low fat diets, bypass surgery and angioplasty have done nothing to reduce the number of times this deadly epidemic strikes. Nor can they, because none of these measures does anything for the cause of the problem.

Fortunately, there is a solution. Arteriosclerosis–the narrowing of arteries that leads to cardiovascular accidents–can be both prevented and reversed by entirely natural means. No drugs, no surgery.

Over the last 16 years, thousands of people have used an incredibly effective self-help technique to re-open arterial restrictions and prevent their recurrence. Confirming photos taken within coronary arteries reveal significant removal of obstructions within a few short months. Many have used this method to get rid of angina, intermittent claudication and even gangrene. Others have used it as an alternative to bypass surgery. I call this technique the "nutritional bypass." It works because it corrects causes.

Cholesterol is Not the Cause.

Cholesterol is a vital bodily substance–so important, that the less of it we eat, the more our bodies produce internally. Seventeen percent of brain tissue is cholesterol. Bile is made from cholesterol. So are a number of hormones. Under the skin, cholesterol helps to convert sunlight into vitamin D. Cholesterol is also needed to protect cellular membranes. The cholesterol that accumulates in arteries is actually there in a protective role. It is one of the last ingredients laid down in the plaque, not the first.

Cholesterol is a slippery, waxy substance. It never sticks to the walls of veins, only to arteries. That is because the arteries have something that the veins do not–an inner muscular layer that is vulnerable to DNA damage from renegade molecular fragments called "free radicals." Damaged muscle cells reproduce erratically, thus creating bulges and ruptures in the artery walls. To patch these wounds, the bloodstream lays down fibrin, which has a very rough texture. Debris and minerals from the circulating blood get trapped in the fibrin. Because of opposing electromagnetic charges, these minerals attract fats. Finally, the whole mess is smoothed over with a layer of cholesterol–to protect the artery from further damage.

In this role, cholesterol is functioning as an antioxidant of last resort. The body would prefer to use dietary antioxidants (like vitamin C and E and selenium). When it does not receive an adequate intake of these, the only alternate antioxidant it can produce to protect the arteries is cholesterol.

An Effective Solution

There are two aspects to the cause of arterial blockages. One is the damage from free radical attacks. The other is inadequate nutritional defences to protect against these attacks. The nutritional bypass program addresses both of these factors.

Free radicals are all around us and within us. Some of our immune cells use these molecular fragments to destroy invaders. Our western lifestyle, however, tends to overwhelm our bodies with free radicals.. We need to reduce this exposure to manageable levels by avoiding, as much as possible, the following: X-rays, gamma radiation, smog, exhaust fumes, tobacco smoke, cleaning fluids, chlorinated drinking water, chlorinated swimming pools, nitrates and nitrites in processed meats, alcohol and adulterated fats and oils of all kinds.

We also need to increase dietary fibre in order to avoid constipation. During constipation, renegade chemicals (such as apcholic acid and 3-methyl cholanthrene) are released into the colon and on into the bloodstream.

By supplementing the diet with a broad spectrum of specific nutrients, we can help the body not only protect against future arterial damage but also clear way the effects of damage that has already occurred. For instance, vitamin C enables the body to produce an enzyme (lipoprotein lipase) that scrubs away arterial fats, much like a detergent. Methionine and choline keep these fats in solution, enabling them to be flushed out harmlessly through the bile. Cysteine, vitamin C and thiamine help remove (chelate) lead and heavy metals from arterial plaque. Niacin helps increase the diameter of blood vessels and eliminates excess cholesterol. Vitamin E helps the body build collateral blood vessels around obstructions and keep blood cells from clumping together. Selenium and potassium help normalize blood pressure. Methionine, selenium, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin E protect against free radicals. Vitamin B6 reduces the formation of homocysteine, a toxic substance that damages artery walls. Vitamin A and thymus concentrate help make antibodies to the mutant cells produced by free radical damage.

For the above 13 nutrients to be effective at reversing arteriosclerosis, they must be in sufficient amounts–far higher than any diet can provide–and must also be in a synergistic balance with at least eight other co-operating nutrients. For further details about this amazing self-help program, consult my booklet, The Nutritional Bypass. It is available in health food stores and from nutritional practitioners.
