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A Weekend at a Health Show


A few weeks ago, I attended a health show in Victoria with a friend and, upon reflection, it was a very rich way to share time together! The exhibit floor Was animated with lots of sights, sounds, colors and tastes, and the seminars were information-packed and inspiring.

A few weeks ago, I attended a health show in Victoria with a friend and, upon reflection, it was a very rich way to share time together! The exhibit floor Was animated with lots of sights, sounds, colors and tastes, and the seminars were information-packed and inspiring.

We sampled delicious food in the Healthy Kitchen area raw foods, natural oils, soups, teas and pizza. It stirred our appetites, showed us healthy food preparations and exposed us to product choices. The exhibit floor also gave us the chance to access knowledgeable people who could answer brief questions about our health concerns. We made contacts, learned how to seek the information and were given suggestions and choices. Afterwards, my friend and I retreated to the body-working room to try some relaxing and stress-relieving bodywork.

For me, the seminars hold the real "nuts and bolts" info. It is impossible to listen and not feel inspired! Dr Karen Jensen's presentation on Less Stress, Less Sickness; More Energy was excellent. This woman was diagnosed at age 16 with irritable bowel syndrome and endometriosis. She was told she would probably be unable to have children. She had debilitating back pain and the medical consensus was that she would be in a wheelchair by age 35.

At this point, Karen Jensen's journey into the alternative medical realm began in earnest. She concluded that diet and lifestyle have an incredible impact on overall health. At age 37, she entered naturopathic medicine school. Now at age 53, Dr Jensen is pain-free and not in a wheelchair. Her children are in their 20s and have never been on antibiotics or seen an MD thanks to her own education and use of biological medicine.

The Health Forum on Microwaving the Planet with Rhody Lake provided a few eye-openers! Did you know that the City of Vancouver and a cellular provider made an agreement with Vancouver School Board to put nine transmitters aboard the roof of an elementary school? Milt Bowling, a parent and activist had this reaction: "That's my only son and he's not a guinea pig. Let's look into this!" He organized information-seeking sessions, presented the completed research to the cellular provider, and the agreement was rescinded.

We need to hear these stories! The speakers were well-researched and a variety of choices were presented to us. We felt encouraged to adjust our eating habits, live a little more consciously and create a focus of wellness for our bodies and our minds. I encourage all of you if given the opportunity to attend a local health show. It's a great way to learn how to live a healthier lifestyle. You won't regret it!

You cancontact Canadian National Health Shows at (604) 885-0960 or visit their website at



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