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A fitting filter


Many people are concerned about the toxins, contaminants, and bacteria that can be found in drinking water

Many people are concerned about the toxins, contaminants, and bacteria that can be found in drinking water. Water filters are now commonplace in many homes.

Carbon filtration is the most popular; units contain carbon held within a filter. They work quickly to remove bad taste, chlorine, and other chemicals. Regularly replacing the filter is important, as once saturated with contaminants, it ceases to function.

Reverse osmosis forces water through a semipermeable membrane, filtering heavy metals, some bacteria, pesticides, sulphates, and nitrates. The process is slow and wastes a lot of water, but removes almost 99 percent of contaminants.

Steam distillation involves collecting steam from heated water, then condensing it. It is useful for removing pesticides, nitrates, and heavy metals. Maintenance is simple as no filter is involved but the system requires a lot of energy to run, and organic chemicals such as benzyne and chloroform will not be removed.

Whichever type you prefer, proper maintenance is critical to keeping your water filter functioning optimally.



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