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20 Rules for a Long Life After 60


<li>See your doctor regularly.</li> <li>Realize that life begins at 60, but everything starts to wear out, fall out or spread out.</li> <li>Smile. It takes 46 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile.</li> <li>Exercise physically. Go dancing three times a week. Social walking is a must.

  1. See your doctor regularly.

  2. Realize that life begins at 60, but everything starts to wear out, fall out or spread out.

  3. Smile. It takes 46 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile.

  4. Exercise physically. Go dancing three times a week. Social walking is a must.

  5. Take vitamins A, B, C and E at least once a day.

  6. Drink eight glasses of water--not coffee or cola--daily.

  7. Stop smoking--it's a disease. I lost a wife and two brothers to smoking.

  8. Doctors, US Congress and the Canadian Parliament have said that secondhand smoke is as dangerous as smoking. Protect my health. Quit.

  9. Sit quietly for 10 minutes a day. Think about nothing. Fill your mind with emptiness.

  10. Clean the inside as well as the outside. Bowel movements after breakfast and enemas once a week keep colon cancer away.

  11. Eat fruits and vegetables each day in their natural, organic state if possible. This is essential.

  12. Take one teaspoon (five ml) of blackstrap molasses daily to keep cancer away.

  13. Combine one teaspoon (five ml) each of apple cider vinegar and honey in one-half cup (125 ml) of warm water. Drink this daily.

  14. Avoid white flour and white bread. Eat brown and whole-grain bread.

  15. Do as the Romans did. Avoid processed foods. Use garlic and vinegar.

  16. Consume onions, carrots, celery, spinach, cabbage, cauliflower and kale.

  17. Supplement with potassium, magnesium, zinc and selenium.

  18. Lower high blood pressure and stress hypertension by eating potassium-rich foods: three bananas a day. Combine one tablespoon (15 ml) of honey, one half-cup (125 ml) vanilla yogurt, one-quarter cup (60 ml) of pineapple juice. Eat it with cantaloupe, bananas and orange juice.

  19. Don't forget, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. It's the truth.

  20. Slow down. The heart is a highly complex muscle-pump and valve system that must respond quickly to your body's needs, whether it's sleeping or climbing stairs. It's another thing that wears out after 60.



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