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Sweet on Protein


Sweet on Protein

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to recognize and show some love and appreciation to all those important to you. Whether you’re planning a cozy night in with someone special or a fun gathering with friends, why not celebrate with some decadent, protein-packed chocolatey desserts.

Integrating protein-rich foods into your homemade desserts offers many benefits. Protein has been shown to stabilize blood sugar levels, letting you feel satisfied for longer without the typical sugar crash. Protein is crucial in maintaining our muscular system and can aid in recovery after physical activity.

Adding protein-packed foods such as beans, tofu, or cottage cheese to a sweet treat provides a unique opportunity to incorporate more flavours and textures, making your desserts not just healthy, but also more palate-pleasing.

Each of the following recipes is designed to help you indulge mindfully, letting you savour every bite while reaping health benefits. Read on, grab a mixing bowl, and get ready to add a touch of sweetness to your day—and your loved one’s, too!


Chocolate Chickpea Clusters

Chocolate Chickpea Clusters

Some things are just better together, and this recipe embodies that concept deliciously. Addictive, crispy roasted chickpeas and rich dark chocolate are harmoniously married together as candy clusters. These two-bite morsels not only satisfy your sweet tooth, but also pack a powerful fibre and protein punch, thanks to the chickpeas. While decadent in their simplicity, feel free to gild the lily by incorporating chopped dried fruit, nuts, shredded coconut, or puffed rice cereal.

Cottage Cheese Cheesecake

This take on a creamy, crustless cheesecake satisfies your chocolate cravings without derailing your health goals. Cottage cheese has been having a moment lately, and for great reason. Its mild flavour lends itself to so many culinary preparations, and the protein found in cottage cheese has been shown to help build muscle.

Red Velvet Fudge

This little indulgence is the perfect high-protein treat to share with someone special. Packed with protein and fibre, gluten free, and naturally coloured, this sweet treat may become your favourite all year long. This fudge also freezes wonderfully for times when the urge for a little something sweet hits.

Mocha Orange Tiramisu

Indulge your loved ones this Valentine’s Day with a delightful plant-based twist on a beloved classic. This innovative recipe swaps the traditional dairy cream filling for a tofu-based one and uses rye crispbread instead of the traditional cookies. Rye crackers have been shown to help benefit heart and digestive health and are a great low-sugar alternative in this tiramisu preparation.

Chocolate Black Bean Truffles

These rich, velvety bites are a delightful bonbon, combining the deep flavour of dark chocolate with the surprising creaminess of black beans. Packed with nutrients, they’re the perfect indulgence for anyone looking to share something special with their special someone, without compromising on health goals.




Smoky Lentil and Herb Galette with Zesty Side Salad