
Meatless Monday: 5 Quick and Healthy Pasta Recipes


Meatless Monday: 5 Quick and Healthy Pasta Recipes

Strapped for time? Cook up one of these simple vegetarian pasta dishes that can be thrown together in less than 30 minutes.

Being busy (as we often are during back-to-school time) isn’t always fun. But being busy and hungry really sucks. With all that goes on in September, quick and easy meals are lifesavers.

The following pasta dishes can be thrown together in less than 30 minutes, making them ideal for a harried weeknight. And although pasta is known for being a creamy comfort food, these recipes opt for whole wheat noodles, oodles of veggies, and better-for-you sauces. 

1. Sun-Dried Tomato and Kale Pesto Penne

If you’re looking for a meal that can be prepped ahead of time, try out this simple penne. The nutty pesto can be made in advance, leaving you with little to do besides cooking the penne. You can also add any leftover sauce to scrambled eggs or toast for a no-fuss breakfast the next morning.

2. Mock “Spaghetti” Salad

Sure, late summer means shorter days and more rain—but it also heralds an abundance of zucchini. Now is the perfect time to try your hand at slinky zucchini noodles. They look just like spaghetti in this pseudo pasta, which also replaces meatballs with juicy cherry tomatoes.

3. Coconutty Almond and Broccoli Pasta

Coconut tastes great in almost everything, and this speedy pasta is no exception. Coconut milk and almond butter imbue the dairy-free sauce with a sweet, creamy texture that pairs well with basic broccoli. Seconds, please!

4. Lemon Mushroom Pasta with Ground Pumpkin Seeds

This pasta combines several surprising flavours: crunchy pumpkin seeds, meaty mushrooms, and zesty lemon juice. The result is a delicious spaghetti dish that’s packed with protein, fibre, and healthy fats.

5. Better-than-Boxed Cheesy Macaroni with Cauliflower

Kids and adults alike will love this healthy take on macaroni and cheese. The key ingredient here is puréed cauliflower, which creates a creamy sauce when mixed with real cheese. Make this recipe your own by tossing in a cup of your favourite veggies, such as broccoli, peas, or carrots.
