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Liquid Supplements


Liquid Supplements

Supplements are becoming popular in todayâ??s progressive health marketplace. The average consumer is discovering that the typical Western diet doesnâ??t deliver the nutrients we need in the right amounts, and that this is why many people lack energy; furthermore, our nutrition-poor diet eventually leads to many chronic health problems.

Do you want to have vibrant energy and great health? Getting the right nutrients in the right amount is one of the secrets to feeling great!

This requires a healthy diet full of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, and good fats. However, with many people relying on the modern conveniences of fast and processed foods, the basics of good nutrition have been forgotten. As a result, many people have become deficient in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and healthy fats. In addition, much of our food supply is now being grown in mineral-depleted soils, so the foods grown there cannot provide us with the nutrients our bodies need. So, even if we are consuming plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains, it is difficult to rely on food alone to meet all of our nutrient requirements.

Why Add Supplements?

Supplements are becoming popular in today’s progressive health marketplace. The average consumer is discovering that the typical Western diet doesn’t deliver the nutrients we need in the right amounts, and that this is why many people lack energy; furthermore, our nutrition-poor diet eventually leads to many chronic health problems.

Anyone who is consuming a healthy diet, including a supplement regimen that consists of the basic nutrients–starting with a high-quality multivitamin along with a good essential fatty acid product–can attest to how much better they feel. Yet, when you start to add up all the supplements you may need to take each day to reach recommended nutrient levels, it can become overwhelming. As well, many of the supplements are large in size, and some people feel like they are swallowing handfuls of “horse pills” each morning.

Liquid Nutrients

Liquid vitamins and other nutritional supplements are much easier to take and ingest than pill form supplements. Vitamin pills, if they are not of the highest quality, will have binders, fillers, and preservatives to give the pills their shape and longer shelf life. If you are using a pill form of a vitamin, ensure the manufacturer is providing you with a vitamin tablet that will disintegrate in less than 30 minutes in order to be absorbed in the upper small intestine.

The absorption rate of liquid vitamins is said to be higher because they bypass the digestive process and get absorbed into the bloodstream immediately. However, some question whether stomach acid may, in fact, destroy nutrients before they can reach the small intestine. Check with your health care practitioner to determine the best option of either liquid or pill form vitamin to ensure you are receiving the highest quality, absorbable nutrients.

Many types of vitamins are available in liquid form and come in a wide variety of flavours. Liquid vitamins are also available combined with other nutrients that make them a versatile source of nutrition.

Easy-to-Swallow Options

Liquid supplements work great for children or seniors who may have a difficult time swallowing pills. Liquids are also a great option for those individuals looking to take fewer pills, as the liquid forms are more concentrated. For example, 1 Tbsp of flaxseed oil is equivalent to 14 1,000-mg soft gels.

To effectively treat certain conditions with natural medicine, the dosing can become large and difficult to manage with pill form nutrients. Liquid supplements also provide an option to reach therapeutic dosages more easily.

Liquid supplements in all forms, from vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and liquid meal replacement products, are growing in popularity. Liquid or pill form, nutritional supplements have a place in everyone’s life–all you have to do is choose the option that works best for you.



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