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The misunderstood protein



Fear of eggs' cholesterol content led many to shun this excellent source of protein. Rediscover the elegant egg in our healthy recipes.

Fear of eggs' cholesterol content led many to shun this excellent source of protein. Rediscover the elegant egg in our healthy recipes.

Often vilified, eggs have had to fight to regain their place in our diet. For years, they were portrayed as bad for us, containing too much cholesterol and fat. Thankfully, those days are over.

The Heart and Stroke Foundation confirms that for people in good health, “with no history of heart disease, diabetes, or high blood cholesterol, eating an average of one egg per day (or seven eggs per week) does not increase the long-term risk of heart disease.”

Rather, eggs are one of the best fast foods available on the market. They are economical and provide a host of nutrients and vitamins our bodies need. They come prepackaged and can be taken on the road or enjoyed at home at any time of day. And they can be eaten on their own or as part of a multitude of sweet and savoury dishes. One popular legend holds that a chef’s white hat has 100 pleats—one for each way an egg can be cooked.

Are all eggs the same?

Egg colour is not based on the diet the chicken eats, but rather on its breed. However, the chicken’s diet is directly linked to the internal characteristics of an egg. For example, eggs rich in omega-3 fatty acids are laid by hens that eat a diet rich in omega-3s, such as flax.

For the well-being of the chickens, free-range, organic eggs are a must. Plus, pasture-raised free-range hens that forage largely for their own food may produce eggs with more healthy fats and vitamins A and E than standard factory eggs. 

Eggs deconstructed

Inside the egg’s shell there is a white liquid called albumen that is all protein with very little fat and the
yellow yolk (the vitellus) that contains the fat and many other nutrients.

One large egg contains about 70 calories, 6 g of easily absorbed protein, and 5 g of fat. However, this fat is healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat, including omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids.

Eggs also boast many different nutrients including vitamins A, D, E, and various B vitamins; the minerals selenium, calcium, iron, and zinc; and the antioxidant lutein.


Tip: To tell how fresh an egg is without opening it, gently drop the egg into a glass of water. If it stays flat against the bottom of the glass, it is very fresh, as air has not penetrated its shell. The more it points toward the top of the glass or rises in the glass, the older it is.

Egg whites

For best results use egg whites at room temperature and make sure the bowl you are using is meticulously clean. When in doubt rub the inside with a lemon wedge, rinse, and dry.

How to store eggs

Eggs are best stored in the refrigerator in their original container. This protects them from absorbing odours and keeps them away from strong-smelling foods such as onions and garlic.



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