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Ditch wheat for better health?


Ditch wheat for better health?

Wheat may contribute to the storage of belly fat and may be linked to a variety of different illnesses and conditions.

In a nation where layers of cheese and veggies stuffed between two pieces of bread is referred to as lunch, we are facing an unfortunate truth: wheat may be bad for our health.

According to the Vancouver Sun, in his most recent book Wheat Belly, cardiologist Dr. William Davis suggests that wheat contributes to the storage of belly fat and may be linked to a variety of different illnesses and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, knee and hip arthritis, and neurological disorders.

Davis posits that the reason for wheat’s supposed negative health effects is the hybridization the grain to produce bigger yields. According to the article, 99 percent of all wheat crops worldwide are hybrid strains. Davis says that the unique characteristics of these hybrid strains are what cause wheat sensitivity in people.

While we aren’t suggesting cutting out wheat altogether based on this book, consider this: celiac disease—symptoms of which are triggered by gluten, found in wheat, barley, and rye—has been on the rise, with rates doubling over the past 25 years. That adds up to 330,000 Canadians—and that’s not even counting those with sensitivities, allergies, or intolerances. Although we may not know exactly why, it’s clear that our tolerance to wheat and gluten is lessening.

If you or someone you know have digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, cramps, bloating, fatigue, and irritability, perhaps it’s time to take the challenge, cutting wheat and gluten out of the diet. Davis says just five days wheat-free should offer relief from symptoms and insight into the possible cause of chronic digestive issues.



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