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Avocado Sweets

Treats that beat the heat


Avocado Sweets

Baking with avocado? Why, yes! You'll be surprised at the delicious, creamy treats avocado can help create.

Vegan desserts offer a cool way to treat yourself during the heady days of summer, thanks to the velvety, blank canvas of avocados. While you may consider this fruit (yes, fruit!) only for use in savoury dishes, the avocado works equally well in sweet treats.

The nutritional profile of the avocado is as enticing as its taste. The luscious fats it’s famous for are largely heart-supportive monounsaturated fatty acids. Moreover, avocados deliver a healthy dose of fibre, antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, an array of B vitamins, and a range of minerals, including potassium and magnesium.

If you’re looking for refreshing new ways to add this buttery fruit to your diet, look no further than these nourishing vegan and gluten-free desserts.


Try this!

To check for ripeness, gently press your thumb into the top of the avocado; it should yield slightly. Unripe avocados are bright green, turning a deep purple-green when ripe.

Did you know?

The Hass avocado, available year-round, is ideal for baking, boasting a sweet, dessert-perfect flesh.


To safely remove the pit, after slicing the avocado in half vertically, lay it skin-side down on a cutting board. Softly tap the heel of a knife blade into the pit, twist, and retract. To remove the pit from the knife, knock it out on the side of your sink.



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Alexa EverettAlexa Everett