Our Mothers Day menu and recipes take the guesswork out of making Mom a dinner shell remember.
My favourite Mother’s Day meal was the very first one my son ever made for me.
He was three years old, and he served me breakfast in bed. It consisted of a bowl of whole grain cereal with my favourite organic soy beverage all served in a bowl that he had gotten out of the dishwasher. The only problem was that the dishwasher hadn’t been turned on. So he and I ate our cereal out of slightly dirty bowls—and it was the best breakfast I ever had.
As my son has gotten older and more versed in the culinary arts, my Mother’s Day meal has morphed from cereal to scrambled eggs, to French toast, and, finally in his early teens, to full-blown dinners. These usually consist of a pasta dish, a green salad, and ice cream—all the more fabulous because he’s made them especially for me.
And that’s what we moms really want, a homemade present made with love!
Here is everything you need to know to give your mom a Mother’s Day meal she’ll always remember. Please note that children will require adult supervision when working in the kitchen.
Grocery list
Game plan
On hand
What to have on hand in the pantry or fridge: Check if these are in your house; if not, put them on your grocery list—and remember to choose organic whenever possible.