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Lavender Lullaby


It's a hot, sultry summer night and the bedroom windows are open to catch a wisp of cool air

It's a hot, sultry summer night and the bedroom windows are open to catch a wisp of cool air. Instead of cooling breezes drifting into the bedroom, though, the sounds of crying babies and barking dogs keep you awake. Sleep is elusive and your mind starts churning with thoughts of the day ahead. Sound familiar? When the wonderful state of relaxation that leads to sleep just doesn't seem to happen, it can be even more frustrating to know you are keeping yourself awake.

At times like these, turn to the lavender lullaby. Lavender relaxes the body, calms the mind, and restores the spirit.

You can capture the aromatic properties of lavender in several ways. A few drops of essential oil of lavender on a cotton cloth tucked under the pillowcase will release the faintest lavender scent. Let lavender lull you to sleep by smoothing an organic lavender lotion over your body just before going to bed, gently massaging it into your arms. For a special treat, soak in a just-warm tub of water laced with lavender bath salts, while a lavender candle burns nearby to calm even the most stressed-out body. Lavender lulls the body into a restful, rejuvenating beauty sleep. Try it next time your tired body won't slow down.



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