Perhaps the most difficult aspect about infertility is that it goes against one of our oldest, most deeply held assumptions about life - one day we'll be parents.
Common Causes
Forty percent of infertility in women and men is from "unknown causes." These unknown factors appear to include what we eat, drink, and smoke. In one study, marijuana use at moderate levels was found to temporarily stop ovulation in monkeys. Another study found that infertility was 55-percent higher for women drinking one cup of coffee per day and 100-percent higher for women daily drinking one and one-half to three cups. Monosodium glutamate was found to decrease fertility by 50 percent in male test animals. Ingestion of alcohol in intoxicating doses up to 24 hours before mating has been shown to reduce chances of conception by 50 percent.
Sperm abnormalities can occur from overheating of the testicles in hot tubs, saunas, or with prolonged bicycling. Anti-sperm antibodies have been reported in approximately 10 percent of infertile men, and the percentage jumps dramatically in men who have had vasectomy reversals, testicular biopsy, testicular cancer, or infection (prostatitis).
Female infertility may be due to fallopian tube blockages (36 percent) or ovulation problems (33 percent). Other common causes include fibroids, polyps, scarring that affects the uterine lining, or endometriosis.
When the infertility is due to causes such as fallopian tube damage, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is an option. IVF has a success rate of 45 to 50 percent in women under 35 years, 28 to 35 percent in women 35 to 41, and three percent in women 42 and older.
Natural Remedies
In many cases, lifestyle changes and natural treatments should be the first choice&before fertility drugs. Eat whole foods - little or no junk food - exercise, and take a good multivitamin to ensure sufficient nutrients for reproductive health. In addition, the following vitamins and herbs have been shown to help promote fertility:
There are both many causes and treatment options for infertility. It is never anyone's fault. You are a team and, by supporting each other, you will find a plan that is right for you.