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Healthy Pregnancies Naturally


Healthy Pregnancies Naturally

It’s the last month of waiting for our mums-to-be! As the anticipation builds, our mums are feeling tired–but ready. Here’s our bi-monthly check-in. Make sure to pick up your copy next month to see the beautiful babies!

It’s the last month of waiting for our mums-to-be! As the anticipation builds, our mums are feeling tired–but ready. Here’s our bi-monthly check-in. Make sure to pick up your copy next month to see the beautiful babies!

Amy, 24, North Vancouver, BC

Amy just stopped teaching her stretching class, but she still does a mild workout once in a while, usually walking. She played her last golf game at eight months and is itching for another one! As the weeks go on, she’s feeling more tired and is sticking closer to home. "Even going outside to read feels like an excursion!" she says.

Amy sleeps quite often, but never for very long. Frequent trips to the bathroom have become a necessity, waking her three or four times a night.

Amy’s nesting instinct has kicked in. She started washing all the baby clothes last month and has the basinette and cloth diapers ready.

This close to the big day, Amy says she’s feeling pretty calm–unlike her mother.

"Mum calls several times a week," she says. "And she consistently threatens to hop on a plane and fly here from Newfoundland. I have to tell her it’s okay to stay put."

Randi, 30, Winnipeg, MB

Randi is still working at home a little and continues to do some biking and walking, but has definitely slowed down.

Her blood pressure is up a bit, so she goes to the doctor twice a week to have it monitored. The doctor and her husband keep reminding her to take it easy. Randi’s having to adjust to the boredom of doing nothing. But, as she says, "better to rest at home doing nothing than in the hospital."

Magdalena, 37, Toronto, ON

Magdalena stopped working last month, and is busy getting the baby’s room ready. More importantly, she’s taking time for herself these days to do the things she enjoys most.

Apart from feeling a little tired, Magdalena feels great! "All my friends tell me I’m having the perfect pregnancy!" she says.



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