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Gain Without Pain!


Chiropractic Relieves Pressure Chiropractors are often asked what they can do to help conditions not normally associated with spinal problems, our basic consideration.

Chiropractors are often asked what they can do to help conditions not normally associated with spinal problems, our basic consideration. Pain can be caused by many factors and often responds well to a blend of chiropractic treatment, detoxification, parasite cleaning and dietary rigour.

Many conditions, including cancer, can benefit from an improved nerve supply. Subluxations, or misalignments of the spinal vertebrae, interfere with the nerve supply and adversely affect the organ or tissue at the end of the irritated nerve to produce pain, malfunction or both. Such areas are more susceptible to disease and infection as the immune system is less effective there. If this affects one of the inactive areas of the body, then cancer is more likely to settle in that area.

Pain from cancer is caused when cancer tumours grow into healthy tissue and swell lymph nodes, resulting in pressure on the nerves. Chiropractic treatments can relieve the pressure on the nerves, allowing the organ or tissue to function better and thereby reducing pain. As organ function improves, the body is better able to fight disease and infection and other treatment modalities become more effective.

Cleansing Herbs

The fermentative metabolism of cancer cells also produces acidic toxins that cause inflammation and pain.

A herbal tea formula containing burdock root, sheep sorrel, slippery elm and turkey rhubarb root is particularly beneficial for anyone who has had cancer. Such tea, which may also contain red clover and watercress, reduces pain by decreasing the production of acidic waste. It's also an excellent blood, kidney, liver and bowel cleanser that helps the body eliminate the toxins that decrease immune system integrity (the state in which cell walls become permeable to parasites and fungus).

Since the presence of parasites and fungus (yeast) are necessary for the proliferation of cancer, they must be eliminated. There are several products available to do this. Some parasite cleansing protocols consist of black walnut, wormwood and cloves. Yeast protocols include garlic, oregano oil, psyllium seed, bentonite (clay) and acidophilus. Destroying the parasites and fungus also eliminates the source of the acidic wastes that cause pain. Mainstream medications having any success with cancer generally have, by accident, antifungal properties. Killing parasites decreases acidity, which decreases pain.

Oxygen Therapy

Cancer clinics in Europe as well as the Dunsbough and Gerson clinics in Mexico have used oxygen and ozone therapy quite successfully for years. This therapy is highly effective because fungus (yeast), parasites, viruses and bacteria cannot live in an oxygenated environment and can produce the growth hormone that causes cancer tumours to grow. Products such as liquid oxygen supplements and peroxide are available to increase the oxygen level in the body, which also eliminates toxic waste and thereby reduces pain.


Since an acidic pH contributes to the pain of cancer, it's advisable to eat foods that help the body maintain its pH at 7.4. But the typical North American diet consists of large quantities of acid-forming fats, oils, sugars, grains, alcohol, meats, processed foods, table salt, chemicals and even drugs which can disrupt the optimal pH levels. Exercise, pollution and stress hormones are also highly acid-forming. All of these acids must be continuously neutralized in the blood for proper cell metabolism and detoxification. In excess, they strip phosphate and calcium from the bones, causing cell burnout.

It's a bit confusing, because some foods are acidic in their natural state but not in the body. For example, limes have a pH of 1.9 but after digestion are actually alkaline-forming due to their high levels of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium, which neutralize body acids. All fruits (except cranberries), vegetables, grasses, herbs, sprouts and seaweeds are rich in these minerals and are all alkaline-forming. They should comprise 75 to 80 percent of the diet by volume. Other good alkaline buffers are found in cultured dairy and soy products, cider vinegar, some seeds and legumes, raw milk, fat-free soft cheeses, whey and soy protein powders, sea salt and blue-green algae.

Eliminating sugar, soft drinks, alcohol, fried foods, pasteurized dairy products, heavy meat consumption and processed chemical-containing foods will help tremendously. Organic food avoids the dangers of acid from pesticides. Try new foods like alkaline-forming sea vegetables wakame and kombu in miso soup. Try dicing some daikon radish in your salads, which can include kale, collard greens and endives.

And don't forget to breathe. You get rid of acid in the form of carbon dioxide every time you exhale.



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Metabolic Flexibility

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