Can we reduce bullying simply by encouraging small acts of kindness? A new study suggests performing acts of kindness boosts happiness that helps counteract bullying.
How can we reduce bullying among children? Could it be as simple as encouraging small acts of kindness? A new study suggests that promoting simple acts of kindness can play a large role in developing personal happiness in children which may help to counteract bullying.
A team of researchers from the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the University of California, Riverside (UCR) recruited 400 Vancouver elementary schoolchildren for their study. The nine to 11-year-olds were separated into two groups to engage in and then record one of the following over four weeks:
perform acts of kindness, including sharing their lunch or giving their mom a hug if she appeared stressed or carrying the groceries
keep track of pleasant places they visited, such as the playground, the mall, or a grandparent’s house
Doing good brings happiness
The researchers were building on studies that have demonstrated the effectiveness of doing good deeds for others to build personal happiness.
Being liked encourages good behaviour
They also cited previous research that demonstrated well-liked preadolescents exhibit more inclusive behaviour and less externalizing behaviour (less bullying).
Kindness leads to happiness, popularity, hence less bullying
The UBC and UCR study demonstrated that children in the group that performed acts of kindness “not only improved well-being but also popularity.” Increasing peer acceptance, according to the researchers, “is related to a variety of important academic and social outcomes, including reduced likelihood of being bullied.”
Study author and professor in UBC’s Faculty of Education, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl says “… it’s likely teachers can create a sense of connectedness in the classroom simply by asking students to think about how they can act kindly to others, and that can reduce bullying.”
Small acts of kindness
Wondering what you can suggest to your children to up their kindness quotient? Here are a few ideas: