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Chiropractic: Hand-Made Health Care


Chiropractic has been scoffed at in the media, ridiculed, criticized and generally harassed because it is different and based on totally different healing principles than allopathic medicine

Chiropractic has been scoffed at in the media, ridiculed, criticized and generally harassed because it is different and based on totally different healing principles than allopathic medicine. For years traditional medicine has attempted to discredit the chiropractic profession as cultist and unscientific. Nothing could be further from the truth. Modern medicine fears our profession because of its increasing popularity and the fact that it is based on healing principles that are honest, logical and scientific.

Many people ask why the professions of chiropractic and modern medicine do not get along. My answer is simple. The professions are diametrically opposed when approaching an individual's health. Medicine is essentially "crisis control" and works in "opposites." For example, if you have high blood pressure, doctors will give you a drug to lower it. If your blood pressure is too low, they will raise it. If your heart is beating too quickly, they'll slow it down with drugs, and on it goes.

Our approach as chiropractors is totally different. Instead of putting out the alarm system, we see if we can correct the interference that caused the nervous system to malfunction in the first place. A "misalignment" or subluxation of one of the vertebrae in the spine will interfere with the way the nervous system transmits information. Where do subluxations come from? Many of them are caused by trauma, stress, emotional and even chemical factors, car accidents, old habits, poor posture, sports the list is endless. Birth trauma, however, is the number one cause. It is for this reason that many chiropractors put a great amount of emphasis on children and infants.

Your body is a self- healing organism. For instance, you may be surprised that once a month, you get a brand new liver. As well, your red blood cells are totally wiped out every four months and you get a new set. What an awesome thought! When you change your clothes, you shed millions of skin cells in the process and literally vacuum yourself up when cleaning the house.

The point I am making is that your body is designed to repair and heal itself. In order to do that, however, it must follow an exact program that is set into motion almost at the moment when you are conceived.

Think of this for a moment: when you are not well, your body is not following your individual program. In order for your brain to communicate effectively, there must be a connection between the mind and body. That connection is the spinal cord. Think of the spinal cord as an AT&T telephone cable containing millions of tiny "wires" called nerves. These nerves originate in your brain and travel along your spinal cord to different parts of your body. The longest nerve, the sciatic nerve, can be up to seven feet long. The function of these nerves is to transmit information and messages.

If the nervous system is allowed to function normally and transmit information from the brain to the body and vice versa, then you should be in good health. If, on the other hand, a small interference in the spinal cord were to make part of your nervous system inoperative, your body would begin to malfunction. In other words, there would be communication errors and your body would no longer be able to follow the program.

The responsibility of a chiropractor is to locate these communication errors. Our mission is simple. Correct any vertebral subluxations so that normal nerve function is restored. Health is the result! We have spent years studying how to locate and correct subluxations of the spine, thereby allowing your nervous system to function normally. This eventually reconnects the body's innate intelligence and all without drugs or surgery.



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Alexa EverettAlexa Everett