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Breathe Easy with Chiropractic Therapies


Breathe Easy with Chiropractic Therapies

At the age of 14 I experienced my first asthma attack. I remember not being able to breathe. That really scared me. My parents took me to the medical doctor (as some people still do) thinking that was their only choice..

At the age of 14 I experienced my first asthma attack. I remember not being able to breathe. That really scared me. My parents took me to the medical doctor (as some people still do) thinking that was their only choice. That decision had unfortunate long-term consequences.

An allergy exam determined that I was allergic to almost everything. Drugs and inhalers were prescribed. I was told to stay away from the things that I was allergic to. I was also instructed "not to go outside in the spring or fall" and to "avoid very cold weather." The hardest recommendation to follow was when the doctor said "not to participate in any sports."

My goal had been to play professional hockey. Because of the asthma I didn’t ice-skate again for 10 years. Then the doctor told me "don’t get too excited and don’t laugh too hard."

Can you imagine, a 14 year old being told not to laugh?

The puffers would break up the asthma attacks, but they still occurred frequently. At age 18 I had two attacks in a row that were so bad I thought it was the end.

The Chiropractic Cavalry

At age 24 I discovered that chiropractic treatment could help asthma. I immediately started treatment. Within a month and a half I was running three miles a day and doing things I hadn’t done in 10 years.

I was disappointed that I had lost my chance to become a professional athlete but I found a new calling. I decided to become a chiropractor!

So what caused the asthma? No one realized it at the time, but just prior to my first asthma attack I had an accident. The vine I was swinging on broke and I fell down a 25-foot cliff, landing on my back. This misplaced several of my vertebrae. The chiropractor recognized that the fall was related to the onset of my asthma problems. He also discovered that I had several subluxations (misaligned vertebrae that cause interference to the nerves that control various organs) in my spine. Subluxations can also cause pain. The nerve supply to my adrenal gland and bronchial tubes had been interfered with, decreasing their ability to function.

One of the functions of the adrenal gland is to secrete a substance called epinephrine, which helps neutralize the allergens in the environment. When the adrenal gland is not functioning properly you are more susceptible to allergic reactions. The areas of the body in which these reactions occur have a decreased nerve supply due to subluxations. Interference to the nerve supply of the adrenal and other organs can cause rashes, asthma and hay fever. My subluxations were at T8-T9 (located in the lower middle back), which is the nerve supply to the adrenal gland and at T1-T2 (located at the base of the neck)–the nerve supply for the bronchial tubes. The combination of these two subluxations resulted in an inability to handle environmental allergens which were producing my bronchial asthma attacks.

Thirty years ago the only treatments I received to correct the asthma were chiropractic adjustments to the spine. Today the treatment that I administer to my patients for the correction of asthma focuses on adjustments but also includes a thorough nutritional protocol, which has greatly enhanced our success rates.

Asthmatic Blueprint

In 26 years of successfully treating asthmatic patients I have observed a definite clinical pattern:

  • All asthmatics have subluxations in the T8-T9 and T1-T2 areas.

  • Most asthmatics are dehydrated. Meaning they are not getting sufficient water to enable the body to eliminate the ingested toxins.

  • Most asthmatics eat and drink foods that are toxic to their systems. This includes such items as pasteurized, homogenized milk, food additives, refined sugar and wheat products. The standard American diet of processed nutrient-deficient junk food is almost always the diet of choice for asthmatics.

  • Most are treated with drugs that ultimately decrease the ability of their immune system to function properly. Drugs provide short-term symptom suppression, which causes long-term health complications.

  • Almost all of the patients I have treated for asthma have had their tonsils out. This removes one of the body’s first lines of defense against environmental toxins.

  • Very few asthmatics get sufficient nutrition to enable them to neutralize environmental toxins.

  • Most asthmatics have yeast (candida) infections, which increase their sensitivity and can cause allergic reactions.

  • Parasite infestations are also very common in asthmatics.

Puffer Begone

Spinal subluxations must be corrected by a chiropractor in order to facilitate a permanent reversal of asthma. Without the adjustments, all the remaining procedures only get mediocre short-term relief.

The darkfield microscope analysis of the blood is recommended to determine nutritional deficiencies and whether or not yeast or parasites are contributing to the problem. This test takes the guesswork out of making nutritional recommendations.

Consuming one and a half litres of pure water on a daily basis produces incredible results. The body is able to digest and metabolize food and eliminate excess accumulations of mucus much better. The ability to neutralize environmental toxins is also improved.

Adapting a nutritious healthy diet and eliminating junk food is a major step toward improving the asthmatic’s chances of permanent recovery. Eating whole foods and raw organic vegetables and fruit helps eliminate many food type allergic reactions, which can also trigger asthmatic attacks. Cleansing programs are recommended to eliminate parasites, yeast and excess mucus. There’s no healing without cleansing.

When the tonsils are gone it’s important to supplement the diet with products that aid the immune system to function better. There are many natural supplements recommended to enhance the immune system. Incorporating them in the protocol eventually eliminates the necessity of symptomatic drug treatments. You won’t need to carry that puffer every where you go.

Don’t Let Asthma Sideline You!

Strenuous athletic activity can aggravate allergic reactions in an asthmatic and bring on an attack in the following ways:

  • Physical activity requires more oxygen, which increases the respiratory rate. The amount of environmental toxins that are inhaled is increased. If this exceeds the amount that the immune system can handle, an asthma attack can result.

  • Perspiration is stimulated, which causes dehydration and asthma attacks can become more prevalent.

  • Increased perspiration causes a loss of electrolytes. This produces an acidic pH that further decreases the immune system’s ability to neutralize environmental toxins.

If you’re thirsty during a sporting event you’re already dehydrated! Asthmatics should never allow this to happen. The secret to staying hydrated is to drink 250 millilitres (one cup) of water 30 minutes before the event. Drink only small sips of water during the game (large ones cause stomach cramps). At the end of the each period drink 125 ml (1/2 cup) of water.

Come prepared! When the game is over, or even at the end of a period, you can replenish lost minerals and electrolytes with a soup made from miso and wakame (sea weed).



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