Brenda Hagel lives outside of Saskatoon. She has competed in various canine disciplines for 20 years and currently loves and cares for 11 dogs, including two rescues.
Alvin Filsinger is a dedicated organic apple farmer in Ayton, ON.
Chris O'Brien is a professional writer specializing in health, nutrition, and supplements.
Sally Errey, RNCP, acclaimed author and speaker on the topic of optimum health through nutrition and lifestyle, offers more recipes in Staying Alive! Cookbook for Cancer Free Living (Belissimo Books, 2004).
Sharon Daugherty is a wellness writer and speaker, certified in flexibility training, kickboxing and fitness walking.
Bonnie Price Lofton, a former Montreal Gazette reporter, is a freelance writer based in Winchester, Virginia.
Reg Hall is a 90-year-old alive reader living in Mississauga, ON.
A graduate of the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in Portland, Oregon, Dr Andrews' specialties include autism, digestive disorders, allergies, fibromyalgia and women's health. She can be reached in Calgary at 403-508-2886.
Lifestyle coach Greg Simmons' book This F.I.T.S (Seraphine Publishing, 2003) is a step-by-step approach on how to attain and maintain a positive lifestyle change with efficient and effective workouts.
Laurel Wilkinson House is a Los Angeles, California-based writer who specializes in fitness, health and beauty. She is the health and beauty editor for Fit Magazine and has also written for Men's Health, Spa, Healing Lifestyles and Spas a
David Keith is a Winnipeg-based freelance writer, Canadian health journalist, and holistic medicine columnist for Health 'N Vitality magazine. He can be reached at:
Kathee Andrews, MD, runs a busy Toronto-area family practice. She is a consulting physician for the breastfeeding clinic at Centenary Hospital and has a special interest in paediatric and women's health. She was the physician for 'Diagnosis
Sabitri Ghosh is a researcher and award-winning freelance writer whose work appears in publications such as The Globe and Mail and World Vision's Childview Magazine.
Dr. Rona is a practising physician in Toronto with a master
For more information on "It's Not About the Fat" workshops, contact Paul at
Dr. Mercola is board certified in family medicine. He has been interviewed on CNN, CBS, NBC, and on ABC's World News Tonight with Peter Jennings.
Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer is the author and editor of Dr.Schnitzer's Health Secrets Service at He has written more than 20 books with some hundreds of thousands of published copies, and numerous studies, essays and
Enid K. Headley is a registered wholistic nutritionist and graduate of physical and health education who is currently a Master's student in health psychology at the University of Toronto. She's a researcher and writer specializing in women
For more information about Ferne Sherkin-Langer's If This Is a Test, Have I Passed Yet? (Macmillan Canada, 1994), contact her at
Sabitri Ghosh is an award-winning writer and researcher whose articles have appe
Beth M. Ley, PhD, is a science writer specializing in health andnutrition and has written over a dozen health-related books, including Colostrum: Nature's Gift to the Immune System and the best-seller MSM: On Our Way Back to Health With
Dr. Edward J. Schellenberg is a registered clinical counsellor and director of Alive's Health Coaching program. To schedule a free, no-obligation, 15-minute information session on how health coaching works and the results you can expect from it, co
Joan Gadsby's passion to save lives, create awareness and share her experience and research has included co-executive production of a television documentary Our Pill Epidemic'The Shocking Story of a Society Hooked on Drugs, which aire
Jessica Campanelli is co-owner of Naturalanimal & Pawtisserie Holistic Pet Centre, Quebec's first holistic pet centre, at 514-488-4PAW or e-mail
Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Corinna Richards is an international freelance health writer, web editor and designer, and the co-author of an upcoming book on wellness and integrative medicine.
For 45+ years, alive has been the trusted source of natural health intel. Our editors scour PubMed to ensure that all articles reference high-quality studies.
Our articles are written by the most qualified natural health experts, including naturopathic doctors, registered dieticians, and personal trainers.
Our recipes are developed by chefs who adhere to strict nutritional guidelines and provide alternatives for those with dietary restrictions. (Vegan? Gluten-free? We got you.)