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alive Contributors

Sally Fallon
Sally Fallon

Sally Fallon is co-author of Nourishing Traditions: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats (NewTrends Publishing, 1999). She serves as founding president of The Weston A. Price Foundation and editor of th

Eileen Cahalane
Eileen Cahalane
Paulette Eisen
Paulette Eisen

Paulette Eisen is the author of A Diet For All Reasons, available from your health food store or through alive books (1-800-663-6597).

Lois Meyers
Lois Meyers

Lois Meyers has studied health and fitness for years. She lives in Edmonton, AB.

Valerie Kemp
Valerie Kemp

Valerie Kemp is a teacher and healer with a full-time practice in bodywork, offering LDT in Vancouver, BC.

Dale Gordon, ND
Dale Gordon, ND

Dale Gordon has 30 years experience in all aspects of the natural health business and is presently the education, research and media director for Natural Factors Nutritional Products Ltd.

Rob Krausz
Rob Krausz

Rob Krausz is a civil engineer, teacher, and writer focussing on sustainable living and healthy communities. He and his family live in Nelson, BC. Visit his website at

Laurie Mawlam
Laurie Mawlam

Laurie Mawlam is a financial advisor and Son-Rise Mom. She is a mentor parent for parents interested in learning about holistic intervention as it relates to autism and the Son-Rise Program.

David Gerry
David Gerry

David Gerry directs the FASD Community Circle in Victoria and is a member of regional, provincial, and national FASD consultation and advisory groups.

Jane Thornthwaite, BSc, BHE, RDN
Jane Thornthwaite, BSc, BHE, RDN

Jane Thornthwaite is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in private practice and an advocate for food ethics in the marketplace.

Tammy Weightman
Tammy Weightman
Joseph Mercola, DO, with Rachael Droege
Joseph Mercola, DO, with Rachael Droege

Joseph Mercola, DO, is the coauthor of the best seller The No-Grain Diet, (E. P. Dutton, 2003). This article is based on the free Newsletter on Dr. Mercolaâ??s Web site,

Anthony Rees ND, Dip Herb Med
Anthony Rees ND, Dip Herb Med

Dr Rees is the founder of the International College of Phytotherapy (Herbal Medicine) in South Africa and Canada.

Alanna Matthew
Alanna Matthew

Alanna Matthew is a former dancer with the Ballet Russe, a writer and a keen ballroom dancer who recently married her dance partner.

Ruth-Anne Baron, ND
Ruth-Anne Baron, ND

Ruth Anne Baron is a naturopathic doctor practising in Toronto and president of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Doctors.

Carla Miller
Carla Miller

Carla Miller is a health writer and researcher. She and her two-year-old nursling are active members of La Leche League Canada.

Hemmi N. Bhagavan, PhD
Hemmi N. Bhagavan, PhD
G. Schleinkofer
G. Schleinkofer
Freya Smith
Freya Smith

Freya Smith is a mother and independent health researcher living in Hythe, Alberta.

Rosemary Tayler
Rosemary Tayler

Rosemary Tayler is the founder of the Ottawa School of Homeopathy.

Gabrielle Pinto and Murray Feldman
Gabrielle Pinto and Murray Feldman
Deborah Sawyer, RNCP, DIHom
Deborah Sawyer, RNCP, DIHom

Deborah C. Sawyer is a health care consultant in Toronto, ON.

Tracy Lalonde
Tracy Lalonde
Mona Reaume
Mona Reaume

Mona Reaume is a Vancouver writer and poet, who jogs, does yoga, eats organic asparagus, and even cries.

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