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alive Contributors

Brian Bennett, RMT
Brian Bennett, RMT

Brian Bennett, RMT, has been a registered massage therapist for six years. He graduated from the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy and is registered with the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario.

Pat Deacon, RSHom, HMC
Pat Deacon, RSHom, HMC

Pat Deacon, RSHom, HMC, practises homeopathy from her home office in Naramata, British Columbia

Nadine Ijaz, BArtsSc, RNCP, RST
Nadine Ijaz, BArtsSc, RNCP, RST

Nadine Ijaz, BArtsSc, RNCP, RST, is a registered nutritional consultant, clinical herbalist, and registered shiatsu therapist in Vancouver.

Morrie and Arleah Shechtman
Morrie and Arleah Shechtman

Morrie and Arleah Shechtman are practising psychotherapists and authors of Love in the Present Tense: How to Have a High Intimacy, Low Maintenance Marriage (Bull Publishing, 2004).

Jo Twiss, DCH
Jo Twiss, DCH

Jo Twiss, DCH, is President of West Coast Homeopathic Society and practises classical homeopathy at the Peace Arch Homeopathic Centre, White Rock, BC.

Gerry Freundl
Gerry Freundl

Gerry Freundl is the director of marketing at Hair Gro Technology.

Ray Sahelian, MD
Ray Sahelian, MD

Ray Sahelian, MD, is the author of several health books including Mind Boosters (St. Martin's Griffin, 2000) and The Stevia Cookbook (Avery Publishing, 1999).

Mark Davies, PhD, RPsych
Mark Davies, PhD, RPsych

Mark Davies, RPsych, is a professor, therapist, speaker, and writer in Vancouver.

Sabitri Ghosh
Sabitri Ghosh

Sabitri Ghosh is a researcher and award-winning freelance writer whose work has appeared in The Globe and Mail and World Vision's magazine, ChildView.

Jason Mitchell
Jason Mitchell

Jason Mitchell is currently working on his ND from Trinity College of Natural Health. He is director of product development and education at Country Life Vitamins.

Dean G. Morris, MH
Dean G. Morris, MH

Dean G. Morris, MH, is a fifth generation herbalist. He practises privately in Springville, Utah.

Farid Wassef, RPh, CCN
Farid Wassef, RPh, CCN

Farid Wassef, RPh, CCN, is co-author of Breaking the Age Barrier: Strategies for Optimal Health, Energy and Longevity (Penguin, 2003).

Spring Gillard
Spring Gillard

Spring Gillard works for City Farmer. When she is not answering the compost hotline or sifting worms, she occasionally writes articles on urban agriculture.

Glen Cassie, ND
Glen Cassie, ND
Amber Sorensen
Amber Sorensen
Bill Kennedy
Bill Kennedy
Rosemarie Tugwood
Rosemarie Tugwood

Rosemarie Tugwood is an alive reader living in Manitouwadge, ON.

Siri Louie
Siri Louie

Siri Louie is a University of Toronto doctoral student and freelance writer on issues relating to gender, relationships and self-esteem.

Angela Stengler, ND, and Mark Stengler, ND
Angela Stengler, ND, and Mark Stengler, ND

Doctors Angela and Mark Stengler have worked together to co-author a comprehensive book on menopause entitled Your Menotype, Your Menopause (Prentice Hall Press, 2002). The Stenglers are naturopathic doctors who practise in La Jolla, Calif. They ca

Charles Walters
Charles Walters

Charles Walters is executive director of Acres USA a Voice for Eco-Agriculture. He wrote the book, Weeds: Control Without Poisons. Acres USA is at PO Box 91299, Austin, TX, 78709.

Robert G. Ackerman, PhD, AMP
Robert G. Ackerman, PhD, AMP

Robert G. Ackerman, PhD, AMP, has a diploma in veterinary homoeopathy from the British Institute of Homeopathy and is a board-certified alternative medical practitioner.

Lise Cloutier-Steele
Lise Cloutier-Steele

Lise Cloutier-Steele is the author of Misinformed Consent - Womenâ??s Stories about Unnecessary Hysterectomy (Next Decade Inc., 2003) and Living and Learning with a Child who Stutters (NC Press Ltd., 1995).

Jennifer Farnell
Jennifer Farnell

Jennifer Farnell is a writer with a background in practical nursing.

Craig Andrews
Craig Andrews

Craig Andrews combines his love of travelling with his interest in journalism.

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