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alive Contributors

Gwynn Alcorn
Gwynn Alcorn
Stas Zlobinski, CNP
Stas Zlobinski, CNP

Stas Zlobinski is a certified nutritional practitioner, educator and writer in the greater Toronto area.

Pamela Nori, MA, DIHOM
Pamela Nori, MA, DIHOM

Pam Nori is a homeopath who practises in Orillia, ON.

Aaron O'Hearne
Aaron O'Hearne
Phil Wright, DDS
Phil Wright, DDS
Felicia Harper
Felicia Harper
Helke Ferrie
Helke Ferrie

Helke Ferrie is a freelance science writer who specializes in medical politics.

Steve Parsons
Steve Parsons

Steve Parsons has been a writer and nutritional consultant for over 15 years. He lives in Nova Scotia.

Gilbert Kim C. Tay, DTMC Kim C. Tay, DTMC
Gilbert Kim C. Tay, DTMC Kim C. Tay, DTMC

Gilbert Kim C. Tay is a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine in Ontario.

Joan Dobbie
Joan Dobbie

Joan Dobbie is a retired medical laboratory technologist with a personal interest in osteoarthritis.

Kelly Nyquist
Kelly Nyquist
Simon A. Wakefield, CNT, RMT, CPRP
Simon A. Wakefield, CNT, RMT, CPRP

Simon A. Wakefield CNT, RMT, CPRP is Clinic Director of One to One Injury & Pain Clinic, Co-founder and president of Nutritional Therapists of Canada.

Jamie van den Bossche
Jamie van den Bossche

Jamie van den Bossche is a wellness consultant and independent researcher living in Toronto, ON.

Oxana Star
Oxana Star
Lita Lee, PhD
Lita Lee, PhD

Dr Lee works as a writer, lecturer and enzyme therapist.

Croft Woodruff
Croft Woodruff

Croft Woodruff, a long-time vitamin retailer and health researcher activist for EDTA chelation therapy, founded and co-hosted the longest-running alternative health radio program in Vancouver.

Gina Mohammed, PhD
Gina Mohammed, PhD

Gina Mohammed is a plant physiologist living in Sault Ste Marie, ON.

Christine McPhee
Christine McPhee

Christine McPhee is a health researcher and broadcaster for the Touch of Health.

David Saul, MD
David Saul, MD

David Saul is a family doctor and the director of the Depression Treatment Program at the Specialty Medical Clinic in Toronto.

Jason Sebeslav
Jason Sebeslav

Jason Sebeslav is a freelance writer and health foods retailer living in St. Catharines, ON.

Tonia Jurbin
Tonia Jurbin
Allison Hegedus
Allison Hegedus

Allison Hegedus is the regional spa director for British Columbia's Vida Wellness Spas with over 13 years experience as an esthetician, educator, and spa consultant.

Evan Walters
Evan Walters

Evan Walters is a feng shui enthusiast. For more tips visit his website at

Kim De Lutis, BComm CLU, CEP
Kim De Lutis, BComm CLU, CEP

Kim De Lutis, BComm CLU, CEP, is a certified fitness trainer and consultant for Terra Naturals. She can be reached at or

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For 45+ years, alive has been the trusted source of natural health intel. Our editors scour PubMed to ensure that all articles reference high-quality studies.

Our articles are written by the most qualified natural health experts, including naturopathic doctors, registered dieticians, and personal trainers.

Our recipes are developed by chefs who adhere to strict nutritional guidelines and provide alternatives for those with dietary restrictions. (Vegan? Gluten-free? We got you.)