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alive Contributors

Suzanna Starcevic
Suzanna Starcevic
Deborah Morrison, BA, CCS
Deborah Morrison, BA, CCS

Deborah Morrison is a writer and certified psychotherapist/counsellor.

Penny Stanway
Penny Stanway
Jodi Lough
Jodi Lough

Jodi Lough is a certified aromatherapist based in Vancouver, BC.

Laura Wershle
Laura Wershle
Norm Danniels
Norm Danniels

Norm Danniels,nutritional specialist, is president of Body Plus Distribution Inc.

Stuart Gross
Stuart Gross

Stuart Gross is a nutritional consultant and BTA analyst who runs a health food store in Vancouver, BC.

Michael Feidman
Michael Feidman

Dr Michael Feidman is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and is now based in Connecticut.

Robin Webster
Robin Webster
Beth Potter
Beth Potter

Beth Potter is a freelance health writer.

Maria Kuman, PhD
Maria Kuman, PhD

Maria Kuman is a medical biophysicist and university professor in Tennessee. She has written 12 popular science books.

Jane Seymour-Jones
Jane Seymour-Jones
Ronald M. Lawrence, MD PhD
Ronald M. Lawrence, MD PhD

Ronald M. Lawrence, MD, PhD, is co-author of The Miracle of MSM: The natural Solution for Pain, along with Dr Stanley Jacob and Martin Zucker.

Sharon Randon
Sharon Randon
John J. Moelaert
John J. Moelaert

John Moelaert lives in Victoria, BC and is the author of The Cancer Conspiracy.

Heather Von Stackelberg, BSc
Heather Von Stackelberg, BSc

Heather von Stackelberg is a freelance writer with a degree in Botany and an interest in health, fitness, and organic growing.

Jozef Krop, MD
Jozef Krop, MD

Jozef Krop, MD, has integrated complementary medicine into his practice for more than 24 years. A fellow of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine and member of the Canadian Complementary Medical Association, he is a physician in Mississauga, Ont.

Daniel T. Wagner, Pharm D, MBA, RPh
Daniel T. Wagner, Pharm D, MBA, RPh

Daniel T. Wagner is a natural and clinical pharmacist, herbalist, and botanical medicine researcher. He lives in Wildwood, PA.

RoseMarie Pierce, BSc(Pharm)
RoseMarie Pierce, BSc(Pharm)

RoseMarie Pierce, BSc Pharm, is a holistic pharmacist with more than 30 years of experience in conventional and natural medicine.

Duncan Conrad, MD
Duncan Conrad, MD

Duncan Conrad is the pseudonym of a medical doctor who is now retired from western medicine and practicing acupuncture and NAET on a full time basis.

Janet Aired
Janet Aired

Janet Aired is a Certified Infant Massage Instructor and British Columbia Representative for the Canadian Chapter of the IAIM.

Ruth Corbett, MH
Ruth Corbett, MH
Herb Powell
Herb Powell
Julia Csoti
Julia Csoti
alive is taking natural health to the next levelAt alive, we pride ourselves on guiding your wellness journey with integrity and transparency.

For 45+ years, alive has been the trusted source of natural health intel. Our editors scour PubMed to ensure that all articles reference high-quality studies.

Our articles are written by the most qualified natural health experts, including naturopathic doctors, registered dieticians, and personal trainers.

Our recipes are developed by chefs who adhere to strict nutritional guidelines and provide alternatives for those with dietary restrictions. (Vegan? Gluten-free? We got you.)