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alive Contributors

Beverley Ann Bazowski, BEd
Beverley Ann Bazowski, BEd

Beverley Ann Bazowski, BEd, is a vertical motion therapy and physical fitness educator.

David Raithby and Linda Nicholls
David Raithby and Linda Nicholls

David Raithby and Linda Nicholls are senior faculty members of The Haven Institute on Gabriola Island, BC, an educational centre devoted to personal and professional development.

Leah Pells
Leah Pells

Leah Pells, three-time Olympian, and six-time World Championship team member, is sponsored by PVL Nutrients.

Katherine Brodsky
Katherine Brodsky

Katherine Brodsky is a Vancouver-based freelance journalist whose work has appeared in Entertainment Weekly, USA Weekend magazine, MovieMaker magazine, Forward newspaper, Stage Directions, and Independent Film & Video magazine.

Andrew Weil, MD
Andrew Weil, MD

Andrew Weil, MD, a leader in integrative medicine, is author of Spontaneous Healing (Ballantine, 2000) and Healthy Aging: A Lifelong Guide to Your Physical and Spiritual Well-Being (Random House, 2005).

Rhody Lake
Rhody Lake

Rhody Lake is a freelance researcher and journalist, and former editor of alive.

Peggy Black
Peggy Black
Michael Downey
Michael Downey

Michael Downey, a freelance writer living in Toronto, has a keen interest in researching and writing about health and environmental issues.

Stephanie Porter
Stephanie Porter

Stephanie Porter is a reporter, health columnist, and freelance writer living in St. John's, Newfoundland.

Tanya Coad
Tanya Coad

Tanya Coad is a freelance writer and researcher with a longtime interest in natural medicine. She has worked in the health food industry for several years. Her articles have appeared in numerous health journals and magazines.

Wendy Bone
Wendy Bone
Curtis James, MSc
Curtis James, MSc

Curtis James is a nutritionist and health writer living in Toronto, ON.

Kelly C. Fitzpatrick
Kelly C. Fitzpatrick
Deborah E. Banker, MD
Deborah E. Banker, MD

Deborah E. Banker, MD, ophthalmologist and general practitioner in Malibu, Calif., combines Western orthoptics with oriental and complementary medicine to treat all kinds of eye problems. Phone 310-317-2119 or visit

Lisa Walsh
Lisa Walsh

Lisa Walsh is an Ontario-based freelance health and lifestyle writer.

Kimberly Easterbrook
Kimberly Easterbrook

Kimberly Easterbrook is a natural health products consultant, wellness coach, and longevity research writer.

Diana Saakian Bokhari
Diana Saakian Bokhari

Diana Saakian Bokhari is a clinical aromatherapist with a background in nutrition. She is part owner and operator of Naturalanimal and Pawtisserie Holistic Pet Centre, Quebec's first wholistic pet centre.

Paula Linquist
Paula Linquist

Paula Linquist is a writer, particularly interested in environmental issues. She lives in North Vancouver, BC.

Julie Cheng
Julie Cheng
Rita Koutsodimos
Rita Koutsodimos

Rita Koutsodimos is most happy when travelling by bicycle. She works as a project manager at the Ottawa Area Lung Association and encourages everyone to give cycling a spin during your local Commuter Challenge event June 3 to 8. For more information go to

Paul Varenne
Paul Varenne

Paul Varenne is a health consultant in Toronto who writes on nutrition and natural health.

Diana Lynn Tibert
Diana Lynn Tibert

Diana Lynn Tibert is a freelance writer living in Milford Station, NS.

Kahlee Keane, Root Woman
Kahlee Keane, Root Woman

Kahlee Keane, Root Woman is an eco-herbalist and educator living in Saskatoon.

Walter Lemmo, ND
Walter Lemmo, ND

Dr. Lemmo is a licensed naturopathic physician who specializes in mental health and nutritional psychiatry.

alive is taking natural health to the next levelAt alive, we pride ourselves on guiding your wellness journey with integrity and transparency.

For 45+ years, alive has been the trusted source of natural health intel. Our editors scour PubMed to ensure that all articles reference high-quality studies.

Our articles are written by the most qualified natural health experts, including naturopathic doctors, registered dieticians, and personal trainers.

Our recipes are developed by chefs who adhere to strict nutritional guidelines and provide alternatives for those with dietary restrictions. (Vegan? Gluten-free? We got you.)