Denise Knabe is a researcher and writer based in BC.
Haley Twerdun is Canadian sales and marketing manager for NRB Sports Inc., the Canadian subsidiary of Italian-owned Nordica and Rollerblade.
Beth Goldman never tires of changing her look and the looks of her friends.
Melinda Fowler, RN, BN, DC, is a registered nurse and chiropractor who provides in-home chiropractic services in Toronto and is a certified personal trainer with Can-Fit-Pro.
Karen Wehrstein is a homeopath and freelance writer who has served as president of the National United Professional Association of Trained Homeopaths. She is interim president of the Ontario Society of Homeopaths.
Kai Jansson is a freelance writer who runs rarely and swims terribly but cycles regularly.
Brittany Racicot is an English student at the University of Saskatchewan. Her experience with eating great food on a budget comes from lengthy experience.
Tanya Tiessen, ACE, BCRPA, teaches physical education, aerobics, and is a personal trainer in White Rock, BC.
James B. LaValle is an internationally recognized pharmacist, naturopath, author, educator, consultant, and clinical practitioner in the field of natural therapeutics and cofounder of Living Longer Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio.
Nigma Talib, ND is a Naturopathic Practitioner based in London. She is also the founder and owner of the West Vancouver Wellness Centre in British Columbia.
Blair Watson, former secretary of the BC Naturopathic Association, is an advocate for alternative medicine. He can be reached at
John Nauss, MRad, TFH, DHom, DNM, has been in private practice for more than 25 years. He has taught extensively and continues to pioneer research in the field of radionic and vibrational medicine.
Anna Olson is a Canadian pastry chef and host of several cooking shows on the Food Network, most recently Inspired With Anna Olson. Her most recent cookbook is Bake with Anna Olson: More than 125 Simple, Scrumptious and Sensational Recipes to Make You a Better Baker (Appetite by Random House, 2016).
Connie Jeske Crane is a Toronto-based freelance writer who specializes in health and wellness issues.
Daniel Roth is the founder of Indigo Energy, a company that promotes alternative living. He specializes in life coaching, reiki, and teaching principles of the law of attraction. Visit
Owen Carmichael is a musician and producer of radio and television programs. His writing has been published in Heartwise, Better Health, Living Now, and Fitness Life magazines.
Canadian biochemist Daniel Crisafi holds a PhD in nutrition, a doctorate in naturopathy, and a master herbalist's degree.
Udo Erasmus, PhD, is recognized as one of the world's foremost authorities on fats and oils.
Nina Silberstein is a writer based in Portland, Oregon who specializes in medical and health issues.
Krista Green is the founder and CEO of Organized for Life.
Melissa Miller is a freelance writer living in Springfield, Missouri.
Angela Russell is a freelance writer, empowerment coach, and owner of a personal development company in Kamloops, BC, where she assists others toward self-empowerment through emotional health and balance.
Penny Kendall-Reed, ND, director of the Urban Wellness clinic in Toronto, appears regularly on television, magazine, and radio across Canada and the United States.
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