Dr. Laina Shulman, co-founder of Pure-Health, is a chiropractor, consultant, writer, and professional speaker residing in London, Ontario.
Heather Arklie has been bitten by the climbing bug, thanks to everyone at the University of Manitoba's Climbing Club and the Manitoba section of the ACC.
Jenny Lass, MA, is a professional medical writer who specializes in nutrition. She also co-authored Grain-Free Gourmet: Delicious Recipes for Healthy Living (Whitecap Books, 2011).
Jeffrey M. Smith is the executive director of the Institute for Responsible Technology and the author of Genetic Roulette: The Documented Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods (Chelsea Green, 2007).
John Mulligan, RMT, CLT, has worked as a massage and lymphedema therapist for more than a decade. He completed training programs in both the US and Ontario. johnmulliganrmt.com.
Dayna Ford is a freelance writer who refuses to dry clean anything, and so far it's worked out well for her.
Erin Coulter is a freelance makeup artist living in Vancouver, BC.
Mark Tushingham, PhD, PEng, is an environmental scientist and author of two cautionary novels on climate change: Hotter than Hell (DreamCatcher Publishing, 2005) and its upcoming sequel, Hell on Earth.
Deah Baird, ND, received her doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington. She has a private practice in Portland, Oregon, offering natural medicine and psychotherapy for mental health conditions.
Michale Hartte, BASc(Nutr), RNCP, is a registered nutritional consultant practitioner, fitness enthusiast, and owner of Fit n' Healthy Nutritional Consulting in Kelowna, BC.
Audrey Mairi, Trager practitioner, tutor, workshop leader, teacher, and speaker, is the author of Trager for Self-Healing: A Practical Guide for Living in the Present Moment (HJ Kramer, 2006). audreymairi.com
Travis Paterson is a sportswriter living in Victoria, BC. Ellen Niemer is a New Westminster writer, editor, and Vancouver Canucks fan.
Susan Safyan is a former editor at alive.
Matthew Kross, MSc, RD, is an Ontario-based dietician and writer.
Lee Carroll enjoys cooking and sharing meals with friends. She is about to start treatment round number five.
Michelle Lynde, ClH, is a clinical herbalist, aromatherapist, researcher, and writer who lives in Coquitlam, BC.
Lenore Hume is a freelance writer based in Southern Manitoba who has just purchased her first reusable shopping bag.
Lynda Burch, BSc (Ag), and Dale Enright, BSc, (PChem), of Innovative Consulting Solutions Inc. of Nelson, BC, have many years experience in applied pharmaceutical, plant, and agricultural chemistry and research
Jennifer Shaw is a senior writer with The Kirk Group Media. Her expertise in the fashion industry ranges from trend forecasting to styling, editorial, and fashion shoots for clients.
Irene Karatzas, ND, practises at the West Vancouver Wellness Centre. She is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and has additional certification in intravenous and chelation therapies.
Diane Kent, RH, is a medical herbalist and former president of the Ontario Herbalists Association. She teaches, offers workshops, and operates a private practice in Toronto.
Ian Hanington is a Vancouver writer, editor, and teacher.
Food and travel journalist Angela Murrills is the author of Hot Sun, Cool Shadow: Savouring the Food, History and Mystery of the Languedoc (Raincoast, 2004).
Shari Graydon is the author of Made You Look - How Advertising Works and Why You Should Know (Annick Press, 2004). She delivers frequent presentations about the social impacts of media and does yoga daily.
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