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alive Contributors

Adam Hardy
Adam Hardy

Adam Hardy and his wife, Sara, have been married for 17 eventful years. They are currently living happily ever after - even on bad days.

Stephanie R. Kinnon
Stephanie R. Kinnon

Stephanie R. Kinnon is a Vancouver-based freelance writer. Her work has appeared in Reader's Digest, Chatelaine Magazine, Her Sports, Northwest Runner, the Georgia Straight, Business in Vancouver, and IMPACT magazine.

Pamela Irving
Pamela Irving

Pamela Irving is a lifestyle journalist who writes about all things green, from spa visits to local cuisine.

Melina Roberts, ND
Melina Roberts, ND

Melina Roberts, ND, practises in Calgary, AB. Her clinical focus includes detoxification, chronic disease, digestive disorders, women's health, and cancer.
Anne Marie Aikin
Anne Marie Aikin

Anne Marie Aikins founded a rape crisis centre following a brutal sexual assault in 1981 and went on to have four books published, including one for pre-teens on dealing with racism.

William E. Rees, PhD, FRSC
William E. Rees, PhD, FRSC

William E. Rees, PhD, FRSC, is a professor of human ecology and ecological economics at UBC's School of Community and Regional Planning.

Robin Laurence
Robin Laurence

Robin Laurence is an art critic, based in Vancouver.

Trevor Warren
Trevor Warren

Trevor Warren is a registered clinical counsellor and certified relationship specialist. As the clinical director of CoreQuest Counselling Group, he heads a group of therapists who specialize in relationship counselling.

Michelle Bilodeau
Michelle Bilodeau

Magazine editor Michelle Bilodeau has worked at Flare, Weekly Scoop, and Fashion magazine, covering fashion, beauty, health, and entertainment.

Bev Maya, MH
Bev Maya, MH

Bev Maya, MH, is a medical herbalist trained at the College of Phytotherapy in England. She practises at Maya Natural Health in North Vancouver, BC.

Sherrill Sellman, ND
Sherrill Sellman, ND

Sherrill Sellman, ND, is a naturopathic doctor, author, and lecturer specializing in women's health.

Leticia G. Rao, PhD
Leticia G. Rao, PhD

Leticia Rao, PhD, Associate (adjunct) Professor, University of Toronto is Director of the Calcium Research Laboratory at St. Michael's Hospital. She co-authored the book The Bone-Building Solution (Wiley, 2006).

Murray Dobbin and Ellen Gould
Murray Dobbin and Ellen Gould

Murray Dobbin is a Vancouver writer and social activist. The author of five books, he is a columnist for the online journal He writes on globalization and free trade. Ellen Gould is an independent trade researcher based in Vancouver.

Sherry Torkos, BScPharm
Sherry Torkos, BScPharm

Sherry Torkos, BSc Pharm, is a pharmacist and author of The Glycemic Index Made Simple (Wiley, 2007) and The Canadian Encyclopedia to Natural Medicine (Collins, 2013).

David D. Kitts, PhD
David D. Kitts, PhD

David Kitts, PhD, is a professor and the Director of Food Nutrition and Health at University of British Columbia.

Sherri Fisch
Sherri Fisch
Stephanie Dickison
Stephanie Dickison

Stephanie Dickison is a journalist who writes about beauty, fashion, food, and entertainment for many international publications.

Carolyn DeMarco, MD
Carolyn DeMarco, MD

Carolyn DeMarco specializes in women's health and alternative medicine. She is the author of Take Charge of Your Body: Women's Health Advisor.

Kim Vasdani
Kim Vasdani

Kim Vasdani is a freelance writer and mother of three.

Sandi Gauvin & Crystal Auffray
Sandi Gauvin & Crystal Auffray

Sandi Gauvin is a senior editor and Crystal Auffray is an editorial intern for alive magazine.

Stephen Hume
Stephen Hume

Poet, essayist, and Vancouver Sun columnist Stephen Hume caught his first salmon on the Nanaimo River in 1954 but these days would rather hike a stream than catch a fish.

Lucy Gotell
Lucy Gotell

Lucy Gotell is a student at the University of British Columbia's School of Journalism. She holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Prince Edward Island.

Sarah Marchildon
Sarah Marchildon

Sarah Marchildon is a Vancouver-based freelance writer and a senior communications specialist with the David Suzuki Foundation.

Karolyn A. Gazella
Karolyn A. Gazella

Karolyn A. Gazella is the founding publisher of the journal Integrative Medicine and has written several books and hundreds of articles on the topic of natural health.

alive is taking natural health to the next levelAt alive, we pride ourselves on guiding your wellness journey with integrity and transparency.

For 45+ years, alive has been the trusted source of natural health intel. Our editors scour PubMed to ensure that all articles reference high-quality studies.

Our articles are written by the most qualified natural health experts, including naturopathic doctors, registered dieticians, and personal trainers.

Our recipes are developed by chefs who adhere to strict nutritional guidelines and provide alternatives for those with dietary restrictions. (Vegan? Gluten-free? We got you.)