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Take the Pressure Off


Take the Pressure Off

Many people believe their only recourse during anxiety attacks is conventional medication. In fact, homeopathic remedies treat emotional imbalances without drug side effects and chemicals, and yet do not interfere if medications are needed.

David first came to see me for trembling that became severe under social pressure. At night, he would wake in a cold sweat, the memories of his childhood upon him. Although now 42, David’s childhood anxiety returns whenever he feels stressed.

Like David, many people believe their only recourse during anxiety attacks is conventional medication. In fact, homeopathic remedies treat emotional imbalances without drug side effects and chemicals, and yet do not interfere if medications are needed. That is because only minute doses of homeopathic remedies are used.

David found the remedy Stramonium helped his intense fear and terrifying visions. Other people with other symptoms would be treated differently, because in homeopathy, each person is treated uniquely. A homeopath observes symptoms, including personal stresses and habits, to find the most suitable remedy.

In another case, Diane became paralyzed by the mere thought of exams and had to quit her studies even though she was a straight-A student. She also suffered from insomnia with exhaustion in the morning, bloating, and aches on the right side of her head, indicating she needed the remedy Lycopodium. For years now, this remedy has helped Diane through stressful periods.

Arsenicum album helps Joanne, an unusually serious, tidy 12-year-old, who is very bright, but critical of herself and others. Her hands became sore and raw because she compulsively washed them again and again. After use of this remedy, Joanne became more youthful and was able to have more fun.

If you or someone you know has temporary anxiety, homeopathy can help. For a list of homeopaths in your area, visit the website of the Canadian Society of Homeopaths at For longstanding or recurring anxiety, seek the advice of a mental health professional.

More Remedies to Help You Relax

Homeopathic self help works wonders for temporary bouts of anxiety. Take two 30C potency pills of the following remedies, every two to 12 hours as needed, not exceeding three doses:

Aconite will calm anxiety in the moment if a panic develops suddenly with fear of death. If the anxiety is recurring, seek the help of a professional.

Argentum nitricum helps calm anxiety about an anticipated event, when excitement and restlessness prevail. Use it for anxiety before a flight, an exam, or if you lose your voice before a performance.

Gelsemium is another remedy for stage fright, when you feel paralyzed, tremble, and feel so weak that your knees buckle.

Coffea cruda is most useful for short-lived insomnia due to excitement about an upcoming project or event, when thoughts abound on going to sleep.

Nux vomica is wonderful for business worries that arise after working too hard for too long without enough sleep, causing edginess with insomnia and irritability.



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