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Diabetic Discipline - 10 Basic Rules


1.Be aware of what you eat. Diabetics convert everything they eat, even fat and protein, into sugar. The more they eat, the more sugar they have in their systems. The answer is to curb eating indulgence. 2.Don't overeat.

1. Be aware of what you eat. Diabetics convert everything they eat, even fat and protein, into sugar. The more they eat, the more sugar they have in their systems. The answer is to curb eating indulgence.

2. Don't overeat. Two world wars have taught us that in times of hunger or scarcity, there is a definite decline or even disappearance of diabetes. Diabetes is unknown in tribes that suffer from hunger. It's a disease of peace, properity and overeating.

3. Eat whole foods. Some people have a tendency to both overeat and under-exercise, which leads to obesity. The pancreas, heart, blood vessels, kidneys, liver and nervous system are all damaged. By means of a healthy, limited but high quality diet, diabetics can ease the strain on the metabolizing organs and recover from dis-ease.

4. Fill your plate with alkaline fruits and veggies. Because of their slower metabolism of fat and protein, diabetics tend to suffer from acidosis (overly acidic body chemistry). For this reason they need a diet rich in alkaline-forming fruits and vegetables to help balance that acidity.

5. Eat unprocessed, complex carbohydrates. Processed carbohydrates such as white sugar and white flour are absorbed very quickly and require the pancreas to quickly distribute large amounts of insulin. This stresses the diabetic body beyond its control and allows the carbohydrates to flow in the blood and urine without incorporating them into tissue or the liver. The unprocessed carbohydrates contained in fruit, vegetables, whole grains and honey are digested much slower because of their complex form. Saliva and gastric juices begin the digestion process and the pancreas has time to initiate insulin secretion without stress and can then metabolize many more carbohydrates. It is important to chew food well and eat slowly. Remember, processed and unprocessed carbohydrates are not equal! Diabetics need unprocessed, complex carbohydrates and should avoid all processed forms.

6. Consume small portions of fat and protein. Fat and protein should be eaten in limited amounts. They must be balanced with available carbohydrates, otherwise it is impossible to metabolize them. When the body breaks down protein and fat, some of the resulting components cause acidosis, which damages the kidneys, liver, blood vessels, nerves and sensory organs. Diabetics who eat incorrectly and/or too much are in danger of early aging.

7. Eat enzyme-rich raw foods. Pancreatic enzymes in diabetics are depleted, so they must be particularly careful to include enzyme-rich foods in their diets. Raw foods provide enzymes for the best nutrition utilization. Raw foods are filling, even in small amounts. An ideal way to ensure enough digestive enzymes is to have fruit and raw vegetable days, or a sprouted grain day, when only those foods are consumed.

8. Reduce life's unnecessary stresses. Shock, high stress levels, acute illnesses, accidents, holiday binging, worries, fear, anxiety, uncertainty, anger, excessive responsibilities all of these can cause a sudden crisis of the diabetic's organs, particularly the heart, dramatically lowering heart function. Diabetics must learn to recognize stressful situations as dangerous and to actively control them. In such demanding emotional times it is necessary to follow a strict diet and to take it easy! Illnesses that cause fever require bed rest and medical attention. Diabetics require a regular, even and well-ordered life.

9. Treat all infections promptly. Infections, dysentery, localized infections (tonsils, teeth, gallbladder) can worsen diabetes because of the increased burden they place on the body. Localized infections must be cleared and chronic constipation overcome by means of healthy nutrition. Teeth should be brushed after every meal. Gums require massage. Skin must be cared for, dry-brushed and washed with alternately hot and cold water. Extreme cleanliness and foot care are important. All wounds should be disinfected and bandaged immediately. Lungs, eyes and teeth should be examined yearly.

10. Get regular exercise but don't overdo it. Exercise and breathing are important. They increase the "fire" of the metabolic process and lower the elimination of sugar in the urine. Sugar can then be better utilized. Insulin production increases because the circulation in the abdominal organs is activated. Daily outdoor activity is essential, including exercises, walking and deep breathing. Diabetics should go to bed early and get up early. Avoid fatigue!



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